One of the most popular Japanese culture for foreigner is to visit shrine.  We usually visit there when we have wish or celebration like birth of baby.  There is holy area, so please try to go and feel the mysterious scene if you have opportunity to come to Japan.  Actually, there  is a strict  rule to pray so let’s check the way how we worship.

First of all, bow before you enter the shrine gate. Second, Wash your mouth and hands to purify before approaching the shrine.  This method is a little bit complicated so check the 6 steps as follows.
How to purify your hands and mouth ?
①Take a ladle with your right hand and scoop water, then pour it over your left hand.
②Switch the ladle to your left hand and wash your right hand.
③Switch the ladle to your right hand again and pour water into your left palm.
④Wash your mouth with the water.
⑤Wash your left hand with the remaining water.
⑥Hold the ladle vertically to wash it and put it back.

After washing your hands and mouth, go to the main shrine building.  However, please don’t walk middle of the road because it is the road for god.  We human need to walk along side of road.  When you arrive there, put some coin into the offering box at the main shrine building.  Also you should ring the bell to let god know your visit.  Finally, two bows, two claps and one bow for god.

How did you feel ? They are hard even if we are Japanese.However,  if you know these acknowledge before you visit to shrine, the  feeling would be different for you.  To visit shrine will be good experience so we hope you are interested in Japanese polite culture.


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