What kind of Japanese food do you like ? Sushi and ramen noodle are the most popular food in Japan recently.  Of course you can also find a lot of delicious other food.  Now, our Japanese food is known as healthy  and popular food by foreigner.  However, we know there are food which foreigner don’t like  to eat, so this time we show you 2 Japanese food which foreigner may hate to eat.  We hope you are interested in them and try to eat them someday !

1.納豆( Natto )
Natto is a fermented food made from soybeans with Bacillus subtilis var. Natto in bacillus or subtilis natto.  It is sticky and has a unique smell, so it takes some time in getting used to eating Natto.  In japan, we eat it with rice for breakfast and it is a traditional Japanese food.  It is rich in protein, highly nutritious, full of Vitamins B, E, and K, so you can be more healthy when you eat.


2. 梅干し( Umeboshi )
Umeboshi is same as pickled plums.  It taste very salty and sour, so we Japanese usually eat it with rice.  We think almost all foreigner don’t like to eat it but Umeboshi is including a lot of vitamin, so it is renowned as health foods.  By the way, a box lunch that has only an Umeboshi in the center of the rice is called a hiromaru bento.  It means Japanese national flag.



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