Where you can enjoy green nature in Tokyo

You find people everywhere in Tokyo, especially this Golden Week season.


If you are surrounded by busy people and atmosphere every day, sometimes you might feel like going to place in nature.


There are places where you can enjoy green nature near central Tokyo.



Todoroki Valley (等々力渓谷)


Todoroki Valley is in Setagaya Ward, and you can access in 20 minutes from Shibuya.


This natural valley lasts about 1,000m and is very good for walking.




Sakura-Shinmachi is a town located where only 10 minutes away by train from Shibuya.


There is a fancy tree house café “Yukinoshita(雪ノ下)” and you can enjoy bread and coffee in green environment.




You might be familiar with the view of this place if you are a fan of Studio Ghibli because Seiseki-Sakuragaoka is the stage of “Whisper of the Heart(耳をすませば)”.


It is located where 30 minutes away from Shinjuku by Keio line.



If you get tired by the busy atmosphere in Tokyo, take a rest in the place where you can relax!



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