You can see fantastic red spider lily around middle of September to October in 「曼珠沙華の里・巾着田」in Saitama prefecture.  There is Japan’s largest place which we can see the beautiful spider lily and there are about 5 million lilies such as a red carpet. Last year, the flower festival was held between Sep 14th and Sep 29th, a lot of people went there and had fun some each events. There is full of people during the festival every year but due to the COVID-19, the festival will not hold this year. That’s very sad but hope we will be able to go there next year.

巾着田曼珠沙華まつり(Kintyakuda-Manjushage Festival)

■HP :
■Address : 埼玉県日高市高麗本郷125-2 巾着田曼珠沙華公園
(Kintyakuda-Manjusyage Park 125-2 Komahongo, Hidaka-shi, Saitama)
■TEL : 042-989-2111
■Fee : 300 JPY

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